1 week down of the first Spica...
Les and I were talking today about how we couldn't believe it has been only a week!! We have come so far and learned so much. Diaper changes used to scare us and we would dread doing them. They used to be a two person job and take 20 minutes! Now we have them down to under 5 minutes and could do it as a one person job with our eyes closed. Just holding and carrying Collin was terrifying the first day, but we got over that quick. Now it's like he's been like this all along. It's such a blessing that we have all adjusted.
The thing we hear most frequently is, "Well, he's so little at least he won't remember." or "At least it's fixable"
Yes... these things are both true and we are so grateful for both facts, don't get me wrong. :) However, it can be difficult for those unfamiliar with hip dysplasia to understand how different it can be. Everything is different: diaper changes, clothes, activities, and so on. Collin can't wear just any outfit, or have a simple diaper change. We went through 6 weeks where we couldn't even change his clothes or give him a bath except for once a week at the orthopedic!! We have had one day where Collin was brace, harness, or cast free and that was the day he was born. We don't get to have a squishy little baby. Being casted, he doesn't get to enjoy his swing or his bouncer. This was all completely unexpected, but we love every second with our baby boy and find each second a blessing. And yes... we will get his hips fixed! :) Collin will have his cast change, a second arthrogram and CT scan on April 22 to see how we are progressing.
We had an awesome night last night. Collin is working so hard on getting back to his normal schedule. He woke up at 3 and 6. Pre-cast, he was waking up at 2 and 6... so he's getting there!
I won Bulls tickets today. It was kind of funny. One of the local news stations posted a trivia question with specific directions as to where to post the answer. The first person to do it would win the tickets. Well, like 5 people posted the right answer in the wrong place, which gave me the right answer. Since I can follow directions, I posted it in the right place and won. Ha! Too bad I don't have any interest in hockey!
We've been laughing up a storm tonight. Collin likes to dance :)
what about the car seat search?