Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blog has been down

For some reason I haven't been able to log on here for a few weeks, but it finally let me log on today.

We have actually had a normal couple of weeks for once. Collin has been healthy and happy, as have both Les and I. The last day of school was Friday, and I got my whole classroom moved and set up to teach 3rd grade next year. I am excited for a change of pace!

The time has finally come for Collin to get his cast off. Wednesday is the big day and Les got permission to miss rotation that day to be there for the big event.

In other household news, last weekend we traded in Les' crappy car that was on its last leg and bought a new 2011 Toyota Highlander for me. Les is driving my old highlander. Yes, I am spoiled rotten ;) it's great to have two reliable cars.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Been a while

Things have been so hectic lately that I haven't had a moment to update. At school, we have had TAKS come and go for another year as we anxiously await results (still 2 weeks away). I applied for a model classroom, where I would get a ton of technology to use under stipulations where I get observed and have independent book studies and such. Well, I was one of 4 teachers at my school to get it! I am excited about the new opportunity and other opportunities that hopefully will play out as well.

Collin went through his second closed reduction surgery with flying colors. His hips were exactly how they needed to look and he had no adverse reactions with the anesthesia or medications this time. He was his happy self a few hours after waking up. This time, Dr. Sims made sure to give Collin a lot of extra room in his cast, especially around his tummy and diaper area. We were pleased to see that he had a ton of room!!

Collin has started Zantac and rice cereal in his bottle to help aid with spitting up. We have seen dramatic improvement, but still have some days that are worse than others. He gets out of his cast in 3 and a half weeks (June 1st) and we will try to start actual "solids" a few days later, after he adjusts to being able to move again. His cast off procedure is in office, no anesthesia or anything required. After they take it off, he is going to get an x-ray to see how his hips are set up and how the bones are calcifying. Depending on how they look and how the calcification is will tell us if he needs to wear a brace and how long per day he would be braced. It won't be the pavlik again, but should be the rhino cruiser. Dr. Sims guessed that if he needs it, it would be at night only. Les and I are itching to get to hold our sweet boy with no harnesses, casts, or braces since he has been in something since he was born.

Jason called me on Friday wanting to come to town this weekend to surprise Mom for Mother's Day. That was fun :) We spent yesterday evening at their house sitting around chatting and are going back today for a Mother's Day dinner.

Anyway, I guess that's all that has been happening lately. Life is wonderful and we are loving every second :)

I had a nasty stomach bug that lasted four days recently, so Collin missed his buddy Libby's first birthday party. But we were able to make it to Hayden's last weekend as well as the March of Dimes walk. It was fun to be able to spend the day outside in the fresh air with minimal wind for a change.