Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 3

I'm sure my posts have been full of grammatical errors. Sitting at the computer hasn't been feasible yet, so I'm blogging from my phone.

Today has seemed better. Diaper changes are almost easy, if you could even say easy is possible. :) We had lots of chances at poopy diapers today. Poor Collin was constipated and the poor kid was turning red he was straining so hard. He passed a formed stool that was rock hard (sorry) and definitely not normal. He did that again an hour later and we called the pediatrician. It has also been worrisome the amount he's been spitting up (about half of his meals). When the nurse called me back I told her that Collin was placed in a spica cast on Friday and since then this is what's been going on. She said, "a what?" That was great. She just said what to do to work on the constipation and spitting up. Frustrating. We are worried that there is a part of the cast too tight and it's hurting his tummy. We go to see Dr Sims in the morning and have a long list of things to get figured out.

Anyway, he pooped 4 times today and it's seeming to get better. Collin stayed on his beam bag for a longer time today and played with his toys. We also have started using bibs due to the spitting up, so he enjoys playing with that too. He just never has really spiff up when he eats, so we've never needed the bibs before. He is still sleeping more than normal during the day and gets fussy more, but he seems happier today than he has been. Les and I just lounged around the house today working on adjusting. Tonight's goal is to get him to sleep longer on his back and working on getting back to schedule. I'm sure it won't be a quick fix, but maybe by the end of the week we will have re-established a sense of normalcy.

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